Building the Way God Builds – DVD


SKU: 77777-11111-44444 Category:


With over 40 years in the Church and more than 20 years in the worship, prayer and prophetic movement; Kirk seeks to put the fundamental tools of understanding into your hands. We can learn these things in order to partner with the Lord in the restoring of the altar to the Church. In his surprisingly fun, clear, powerful way, Kirk brings this this three session video to propel the viewer along in grasping each person’s role  in restoring the fallen tent of David.


Session One: The Tabernacle of David

Kirk diagrams important fundamentals and valuable nuggets such as; what it is prophetically, what it was historically, how Holy Spirit is restoring it even before Christ’s return and “David’s tabernacle was actually birthed and not merely started.”

Session Two: Three Types of Prayer

As a tool to pass along to others, this diagram provides significant help for anyone, including teachers wanting to clearly communicate and validate the prayer lifestyle in a region. Kirk goes over the history of the Seer Realm, and diagrams how to ensure longevity in prayer. He shows us the access we have to God but rarely walk in.

Session Three: The Way God Builds

This message is a clarion message and word picture of servant leadership. Taking us on the path of our fathers in the faith; Kirk restores the value for the ancient things. Humility permeates this lesson as he shares how God is tenderly thundering this word to our generation. We can partner with Him and be effectual in building things that are lasting.


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