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In Revelation chapter 4, John was taken up through a door in the heavens and

he describes a realm he is seeing where the attributes of God are manifesting in the

throne room. This place, where the many facets and revelations of the throne of God

sits, is unique in all the cosmos. It’s the epicenter of where God reveals His beauty

and glory. It’s God’s realm of manifestation of His direct beauty and glory. We are

invited in this realm to behold him and all that goes on around his throne. Our entry

point is through the scriptures as a divine escort into these places. This throne room

encounter with God defines who we are, where we are from and where we are

going. Who we are, is defined by who God is in this place.


I have a teaching on the beauty realm, where I take three biblical words:

“Stand”, “Worthy” and “Cegullah” meaning special treasure. These three words are

used over and again in scripture to describe the entry into this place of where God is

and where we are called to go. As a believer in Jesus Christ, you are invited into this

realm to behold Him in his beauty. It was David’s desire, it was Paul’s pursuit, it was

Mary of Bethany’s yearning. This ‘one thing only desire’, is the upward calling of the

knowledge of God.


In the bible, the ones who have gone before us invite and encourage us to go

there. We are encouraged to go there and invited to go there and we are required to

go there for our heart transformation.