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I think of the affections of God beginning with 1 John 4:19 “We love God

because he first loved us”. Many times in our Christian sense of duty we perceive we

are to be initiating things and we are to be doing things, when actually we are called

to a response into God’s affections. Much of God’s emotions have been misapplied

and inaccurately demonstrated in Christian teachings. I have done this in my own

life. However I found that God’s emotions are primarily based in joy. Therefore, his

affections are moving towards us constantly.


In my series “the affections of God”, I taught through the Song of Songs, and

pursued understanding in the Song of Songs of God’s affections towards his people.

Instead of taking the whole book and opening it up as an allegory, I simply pulled

out and taught the passages of God’s affections towards us. I found this to be a life

changing and helpful for me and beneficial for me as well as others.


I encourage you to begin to pursue God’s affections. His extreme love, His

extreme joy, his affections beyond our comprehension, this desire that He has for us.

Another verse to pursue is John 17:24 where Jesus says: “Father, I desire”. What a

thought to ponder, He has desires! And He begins this verse speaking to the Father:

“I desire”. Throughout John 17, Jesus speaks of his desires, these desires are rooted

in a depth of love, a depth of joy and a depth of affection that we’ve never

experienced, but we are invited to.


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